Marketing ROI: Creating Durable Assets With Content

Growing Your Durable Assets With Content

As marketing professionals, we groan every time we have to tell management how much this tv spot or that display ad costs.  They are expensive and we know that a) we can’t really measure the success of the ad and show marketing ROI, and b) once the ad is gone, it is gone!  This is not the case with content.  Unlike various forms of advertisement that either disappear into the airwaves or get thrown out in the recycling bin, online sticks around.  Not only does it stick around, it actively works to get your message in front of anyone that happens to be searching for it. (more…)

Marketing With Gravity – Unleash Your Inner Marketing Nerd

The Gravity Strategy DiagramWe live in a world of laws.  I’m speaking of scientific laws, specifically.  Think about it – everything that we know and believe in the scientific world is based on a relatively small set of laws that are irrefutable.  Scientists build everything they study around these well known laws and theories such as the laws of thermodynamics, gravity, behaviors of sound waves, light, etc.  For those of us NOT in the scientific community, we have discovered a lot of these laws independently.  For instance, the heavier the object, the more it hurts when it gets dropped on your foot!  This is based on Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation.  Loosely translated, this means that the more mass and object has, the more gravitational pull it can exert on something else.  Obviously it’s hard to notice this here on earth because we are standing on an object that has so much mass, everything is attracted to it.  Planets really have a LOT of pull! (more…)

The Gravity Strategy

We are pleased to introduce a new video we produced to go along with The Gravity Strategy eBook and blog posts. We are excited about this concept because it makes it super easy to explain Inbound Marketing and it’s benefits for your business. Enjoy!


MythBuster: Growing Search Engine Traffic Takes Time

As you know, growing organic search engine traffic takes time. Or does it?

We launched a new site for an Inbound Marketing client last month. Here is an 8-day snapshot of the client’s organic search traffic. Keep in mind this is not branded traffic based on the client’s name. This is a brand new site no-one had ever heard of.
Event Blogging (more…)

Hubspot Pricing – Is It Worth The Cost?

Hubspot Pricing and Return on Investment (ROI)If you have had a chance to read up on the features and benefits of Hubspot, then you know what a game-changer it has been for Inbound Marketing professionals.  Hubspot makes managing your Inbound Marketing campaign simple and effective.  What’s more, the integrated reporting makes showing your results and ROI a piece of cake.  The only part of Hubspot that many see as a downside is that it is Hubspot Pricing.  But as with most products or services that cost money, you can’t just look at the dollar going out – you have to consider the dollars coming back in, AND, the dollars saved as a result of using Hubspot. (more…)

Business Storytelling: What’s Your Company’s Story?

What is your story?I keep seeing the power of stories everywhere I turn this week.

Sunday: It’s my daughter’s 11th birthday this week and my parents are up for a visit from Georgia to celebrate.  At the lunch table, my Mom tells a story I’ve never heard before and it helps me understand my Grandmama a little better.

“I was named after my aunt,” she says. “When Mama had me, her sister came to see us at the hospital.  Mama said ‘I named her after you, Louise, but I put a pretty name with it.'”  Mom–Carol Louise–goes by Carol.  I got a chuckle thinking about my sweet little Grandmama taking a good-natured shot at her sister in the hospital right after World War II.

Monday: Prospective Client Meeting. We talk for an hour about their goals and needs.  Throughout the meeting I asked questions which were aimed at discovering what made (more…)