Website Maintenance Services

We understand that keeping your site up-to-date isn’t always easy. That’s why we here at ITD Interactive offer website maintenance services to keep your web site’s content fresh and current. An affordable, monthly website maintenance contract is a great alternative to spreading your employees too thin, or attempting to hire an in-house web master.

Content Management Means Higher Search Engine Rankings

Fresh, updated content is a major component of any good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. What many people don’t know is that Google and other search engines don’t just index your site once – they crawl and index your site continuously. If the amount of relevant content doesn’t change and grow from time to time, your site will be considered less important, and will NOT keep it’s spot in the ranks. You should add some sort of content monthly at the very least. This is one of the many ways our website maintenance services help our clients stay on top of their websites.

We Can Help as Much or as Little as Your Situation Requires

For the convenience of our customers, we offer monthly website maintenance services in blocks of time ranging from 2 hours per month to 10 hours, or even more if your site and needs require it. We will work with you to come up with a balanced approach that gives you just the right amount of available service each month according to your specific and unique needs. If you think you only need a few things done for the time being,  we can offer on-demand maintenance by the hour as well.

Your On-Demand Web Experts

We’ve been there — you’re trying to add something to your website, and it just isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do. If you don’t feel like spending all day on Google tracking down the issue, give us a call and let us take care of it! We’re WordPress experts, and we can make just about anything work in a timely manner.


We’d love to hear from you. If you have a project or need you’d like to discuss with us, head on over to our contact page, or give us a call at 423.282.0802.