10 April Fools Marketing Ideas For Your Business

[share_box te=”yes” fb=”yes” li=”yes” gp=”yes” pin=”yes”] Many companies struggle with how to make their somewhat boring business get passed around social media. Let’s face it, tax preparers are not usually Facebook sensations. But April 1st is one day that they can be. Let’s look at some April Fools marketing ideas for your business. We’ll talk […]
Marketing Blog Writing Styles (Infographic)

Marketing Blog Writing Styles: 12 Pros By The Numbers Were you surprised by any of these results? Let us know in the comments. I’ll relay some of my observations, then tell you how I got the numbers below, if you’re feeling nerdy. Before we go any further, here are links to the bloggers: Seth Godin, […]
Going Where Businesses Don’t Want To Go And BUYERS Do: Cost

Here’s a little secret. The price of your product or service is probably already out there. It’s a fact with which few in the business, and especially sales, world are not comfortable. For most of us, we set a price on our product or service that is indicative of the value we bring to the […]
A Simple 5-Minute SEO Checklist for your Blog
Want to know the secret to dominating search engines for your targeted keywords? You might be surprised to know that the secret isn’t in how much money you pay your SEO firm – the secret is in the QUANTITY of high-quality content on your website, that is optimized around your target keywords. It’s true! Instead […]
MythBuster: Growing Search Engine Traffic Takes Time
As you know, growing organic search engine traffic takes time. Or does it? We launched a new site for an Inbound Marketing client last month. Here is an 8-day snapshot of the client’s organic search traffic. Keep in mind this is not branded traffic based on the client’s name. This is a brand new site […]
How To Build Links And Influence People
Are you looking to get some momentum with web traffic? Trying to figure out how to build links and bring in more customers? This post is for you. I’ve been listening to that lavishly written classic on human relations “How To Win Friends And Influence People” while jogging lately. What a powerful book. This is […]
Inbound Marketing in a Post Mayan Apocalyptic World
Well, thankfully, we are all still here! There may have been some hoping that the Mayan’s were right, but for all of us that were left behind, we must continue to press forward along the journey we call Inbound Marketing. The fruits of the journey are great. Attracting visitors, generating leads, closing sales – it’s […]
50 Blog Post Ideas for Small Business in 10 Minutes or Less
You’ve run out of blog post ideas for small business. You have 10 minutes to spare before your next meeting. You can do this. Trust me. This is wide-open, fast and furious, seat-of-your-pants brainstorming. Just write down or type out blog post titles. No jotting down or even thinking about actual content outlines. No keyword […]
Whiteboard Wednesday – How Much Should I Spend on a Website Redesign?
How Much Should I Spend on a Website Redesign? Don’t spend a bunch of money on a redesign. Yes, you read correctly. We redesign websites all the time and we just told you NOT to spend A BUNCH of money on a redesign. (Before we go any further, you can find out what we charge […]
Promote Your Clients with Your Giveaways
We are always looking for ways to give out free stuff. Everybody likes free stuff. It’s fun to give and it’s fun to get. And if you can promote your own products or services with the free door prize, that’s all the better. “We Can’t Give Away Our Stuff!” But some businesses (like ours) struggle […]