10 April Fools Marketing Ideas For Your Business

[share_box te=”yes” fb=”yes” li=”yes” gp=”yes” pin=”yes”] Many companies struggle with how to make their somewhat boring business get passed around social media. Let’s face it, tax preparers are not usually Facebook sensations. But April 1st is one day that they can be. Let’s look at some April Fools marketing ideas for your business. We’ll talk […]
3 Actions To Take To Combat Facebook’s Decreased Page Reach

If you have a Facebook page with a solid number of followers, you might have noticed that your posts haven’t been reaching as many people as before. Facebook has just admitted that they are decreasing Page “reach” in the news feed algorithm and that trend will continue. They are suggesting that Page owners “boost” reach […]
15 Surprising Digital Marketing Trends
In this post, we’ll explore 15 surprising digital marketing trends that you need to know. The charts below are pulled from Google Trends and show search interest over the last decade. Inbound Marketing This is the phrase that is changing the way marketing is done. You’ll see a VERY close resemblance to the graph below […]
Inbound Marketing Insights: Frustrated with Social Media?
Enough with the cute kittens and pictures of what you are eating for lunch! In the last installment, we looked at reasons that business owners and marketers are often frustrated with SEO, and the lack of results they see from their efforts. We concluded that the main problem was that the primary goals associated with […]
The Gravity Strategy
We are pleased to introduce a new video we produced to go along with The Gravity Strategy eBook and blog posts. We are excited about this concept because it makes it super easy to explain Inbound Marketing and it’s benefits for your business. Enjoy!
Author Rank + Plus: Google’s Secret Weapon To Beat Facebook
Want to know how Google is going to get users to leave Facebook and use Google Plus? They are going to pay them to do it (indirectly). Author Rank is only being talked about in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Content Marketing circles at the moment, but the effects of the coming SEO earthquake it […]
Inbound Marketing on a Dime – Generate More Traffic Today!
So you’ve read articles, watched webinars, maybe even attended a seminar or two about Inbound Marketing. You’re hooked. You’re ready to get started! The only problem is, you’re not sure you have the budget for a full-on Inbound Marketing campaign. You have probably heard of Hubspot as well. Inbound and Hubspot typically go hand in […]
Your Website Is Like Bilbo’s Ring
The Hobbit opens a week from today. Not only is it one of my favorite tales, I’ve grown to admire Martin Freeman, who plays Bilbo. (He is near-perfect as Dr. Watson in BBC’s Sherlock.) If you know nothing of Tolkien’s Middle Earth, feel free to check back in later. This post will make absolutely no sense. […]
Shift of Power to the Consumer
I am 4 pages into writing a new eBook. We’re working on an accompanying InfoGraphic as well. Stay tuned. I’m having a blast writing it. In some of my research, I came across what I think is one of the best statements of the tectonic shift away from Outbound and toward Inbound Marketing that I […]
How Gender Targeting Will Make Twitter Better
Twitter has come a long way since the days of the Fail Whale. It’s more than a garage start-up, it’s like a legitimate, bona fide business, with a real revenue model. Twitter turned on “Promoted Tweets” and “Promoted Accounts” last year and have been putting those options in front of potential advertisers with more frequency […]