Shift of Power to the Consumer

Shift of Power to the Consumer

My nephew Oliver illustrates the new found power of the consumer.

I am 4 pages into writing a new eBook.  We’re working on an accompanying InfoGraphic as well.  Stay tuned.  I’m having a blast writing it.

In some of my research, I came across what I think is one of the best statements of the tectonic shift away from Outbound and toward Inbound Marketing that I have ever read.  And it is not from a company that has anything to benefit from promoting Inbound.  Here you go . . .

Shift of Power to the Consumer

Euromonitor International published a study in January titled “Online Travel: Shift of Power to Consumers” with the following synopsis . . .

The online travel revolution which has taken place in the last 10 years has led to substantial changes in the travel industry’s competitive environment. These are so significant to force companies to re-think their business models. In particular, consumers now play a much more central and active role, while technology players have become essential partners for travel companies. Customer knowledge and social interaction are key requirements to compete successfully in this new environment. (emphasis ours)

Those are heavy words.  Revolution. Substantial. Significant. Force. Re-think. Essential. (more…)

How Gender Targeting Will Make Twitter Better

Fail WhaleTwitter has come a long way since the days of the Fail Whale.  It’s more than a garage start-up, it’s like a legitimate, bona fide business, with a real revenue model.

Twitter turned on “Promoted Tweets” and “Promoted Accounts” last year and have been putting those options in front of potential advertisers with more frequency of late.  It gets better for marketers.  Late last week, Twitter announced “gender-targeting” for advertisers.  That’s a strange option, it would seem, as Twitter does not ask for the user’s gender as Facebook does.  Here’s how Twitter explains it.

“We’re able to understand gender by taking public signals users offer on Twitter, such as user profile names or the accounts she or he follows. We have strong confidence in this approach.”

They claim this method is 90% accurate and that should be good enough for marketers to pull the trigger on gender-specific promotions.  I’m expecting AARP promoted tweets to my account.  Surely they’ll also start age-targeting me as I tweet next summer that I’m breaking into my 40s. 🙂 (more…)

TriCities Mobile Web Usage Doubles in 12 Months

According to web analytics data from a broad range of our local TriCities clients, mobile web usage nearly doubled in the past 12 months from 8% to 15%.

TriCities Mobile Web Usage 2012

As an Inbound Marketing and web design firm serving Johnson City, Kingsport, and Bristol, TN, we compile web stats for small business websites in the area and tracked the percentage increase in mobile usage from October 2011 through September 2012.  The types of businesses in the study included industrial, professional services, financial planning, retail, and tourism. (more…)

Business Storytelling: Why You Should Hire A Communicator

Storyteller by Garry Knight

Storyteller Photo by Garry Knight

The way you get new business can be boiled down to one simple statement.  Your new customer heard and believed your story.  It is business storytelling and it may be the most important piece to your puzzle.

It could be face-to-face word of mouth; it could be on your website through a Google search; it could be on social media; it could be a traditional, old-school advertisement.  Somebody heard the story of why your product or service makes their life better and they believed it.

The evidence is mounting that the most effective (read PROFITABLE) way to tell your business’s story  has changed in the last decade.  Gone are the days when you could simply buy a big honkin’ ad in the paper and dominate the market.

It is now your job to create content (tell stories) that customers share online.  That’s the essence of Inbound Marketing.  This study by Hubspot states that “inbound marketing-dominated organizations experience a 61% lower cost per lead.”

Who Will Do Your Business Storytelling?


How To Get Testimonials for a Website

This video and post give some quick tips on how to get testimonials for a website.  Make sure and check out the link below to the testimonials questionnaire/survey we send to our clients.

Great testimonials are a product of really happy customers.  A couple of the items below are geared toward making really happy customers and a couple are nuts-and-bolts about getting testimonials.  But you need to be thinking about all of them on the front-end before you get to the point of asking for the testimonial. (more…)