Marketing Blog Writing Styles (Infographic)

Marketing Blog Writing Styles: 12 Pros By The Numbers Were you surprised by any of these results? Let us know in the comments. I’ll relay some of my observations, then tell you how I got the numbers below, if you’re feeling nerdy. Before we go any further, here are links to the bloggers: Seth Godin, […]
SEO for Small Business: There Are Better Alternatives
You have probably heard from friends, advisors, colleagues and many others – that the name of the game for succeeding online is having great search engine visibility. They are correct! But how do you make sure your website shows up in search engines for certain keywords? The solution you will hear from most is Search […]
SEOMoz Changes Name to MOZ – Embraces Inbound Marketing
It was very interesting to learn today that SEOMoz is changing their name to simply “MOZ”. Upon watching their video, two things are immediately apparent. First, they look to be working on some seriously fantastic software, and second, they are fully embracing the concept of Inbound Marketing, a phrase made popular by the founders of […]