Web Design Tips: Use Red For Slow Load Times

Computer key red - unhappy smileyI have thoroughly enjoyed listening to Derek Halpern’s Social Triggers podcast of late.  Derek has shaped (and explains how he shapes) his own personal brand as “that marketing psychology guy”.  I found him through Pat Flynn, who produces another great podcast.

Derek’s most recent podcast is an interview with Adam Alter, author of Drunk Tank Pink.  The book and podcast cover how logos, colors, and sounds affect our behavior and how that plays into marketing.

Web Design Tips: Use Red For Slow Load Times

One part of the podcast touches on web design and conversions in particular.  Derek does not provide a transcription of his podcasts (with good reason, he wants you to listen), but I thought this was very valuable information for those of us in the web industry, so I have taken the liberty of transcribing that section below.

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Website Development Timeline Reinvisioned: One Week Website

One Week WebsiteThe web has been around for almost two decades now.  And for 20 years, web designers and their clients have struggled to get a grip on the website development timeline.

We’ll show you how we’ve developed a process to design, develop, and launch a small business website in one week (guaranteed) below, but first let’s look at the problems most web projects invariably face.

The process is littered with potholes.

  • Small business decision-makers generally have too many other tasks to make developing content and giving design feedback a high priority. (more…)

How Long Does It Take To Make A Website?

How Long Does It Take To Make A WebsiteIt takes ITD Interactive just one-week to design, build and launch your new website.  See below for information.  Here is data we found from other sources for comparison:

Type this search into Google.  “How long does it take to make (or create or build) a website?”

The results are from professional web designers trying to educate their prospective clients and they are all astonishingly similar.  Nobody can tell you.

Here is a smattering of the actual phrases pulled from those results:

  • “depends”
  • “3-4 months”
  • “20 hours IF
  • “8-12 weeks with good client cooperation
  • “as long as several months”
  • deadlines are not guaranteed(more…)

6 Website Redesign Service Needs For Small Business

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There are several reasons you might be looking for a website redesign service.

  • Your website design is out-of-date.
  • Your last website took too long to make.
  • You need a website you can edit easily.
  • You need a website which ranks highly on Google.
  • Your website does not display well on mobile devices.
  • You need help with digital marketing like social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, and increasing website conversions.

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Our firm specializes in meeting the needs of small businesses who need a website redesign for any and all of these reasons.  With our unique One Week Website process, we can meet each of the needs mentioned above. (more…)

Website Maintenance: How often should I update my website?

UPDATED:  This post gets a LOT of traffic lately and we wanted to update a few things to provide the most relevant and helpful information possible.

website maintenance servicesThe short answer is “as often as there is anything worth updating!”  The problem we run into, however, is deciding what is worth updating.  Website maintenance is about more than just your “news and events” page.  Let’s face it – when you run a business, you have news.  You have: new products, staff changes, announcements, policy changes, new services, warnings, tips – the list goes on.  You have things to talk about!  You really should make a point to update something on your website at least once a week.  Let’s review a few reasons why, and some suggestions of WHAT to update. (more…)