How Much Should I Spend on my Yellow Pages Advertising

There are many ways to answer this question, and to be truthful – this IS a trick question. The short answer is you shouldn’t spend anything on yellow pages.  They are dying out.  The realistic answer is, you should gradually diminish the amount you spend on yellow pages while re-routing that budget to online marketing through your website. (more…)

Increase Conversions by Asking the Right Questions

Increase ConversionsWant to know how to increase conversions from your website?  You need to ask yourself if your site is designed with conversion in mind, or simply for looks and vanity.  We have all been taught to look the best and to communicatea through appearance that we are experts or have the highest quality.  These notions aren’t wrong by any stretch, however, when designing a website or landing page for your business, you have to be tough on yourself and ask “are we motivated by having the best image, or by doing the most business?”. (more…)