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We’ve been hard at work on this new site and we’re glad to finally be able to share it with you!

There’s an old saying that the best shoemakers were the ones that had no shoes – they were too busy!  As web designers we often find ourselves in the same boat.  We’re always so busy developing new and exciting projects for our clients that we often run out of time to keep our own web sites in order.  If you follow the same thought – an arguement could be made to be wary of web developers that have awesome looking web sites and no portfolio!  There has to be a balance, and we’re launching our new site with this in mind.

We use the exact same technology on our site that we use for our clients.  We are focused on utilizing technology that is as easy to use as it is effective in communication.  Our sites are typically built within a Content Management System that allows our clients to make easy updates if they so choose.  What’s more – it makes the site more efficient for  us to manage as well, and we do a LOT of that for our clients, because as easy as a CMS may be to use, many folks still have way too much to do with their business to have much time to fiddle with a web site.

So, welcome to our new site!  You’ll find lots of information here, projects that we’ve completed, information about how we work, who we are and what we believe in – and most of all, you’ll find the same visually impressive but easy to use experience that we build into each and every project that goes out the door here.

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