Welcome to Small Business SEO Part 1. Before we start, we have to make sure that you at least have a current business website or at the very least, some sort of web presence. If not – that is the very first step. There is countless research showing the continued decline of yellow page usage, and the effectiveness of traditional advertising through tv, radio and newspaper. It all starts with a website, so before you can work on generating local traffic, you have to make sure your website is in order.
First, you need to make sure that your website is attractive, available and flexible. Whether you operate a free website through wordpress.com, or you have built it through another DIY website company, at the very least you need to make sure that you have access to important parts of your website such as page titles, meta descriptions, and the ability to publish blog posts in some form or fashion. A blog post is simply a page such as you are reading here. A blog is meant to be a running series of posts that could range from news and announcements, to one’s thoughts about a particular subject – or in this case, help with a certain subject.
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Given the following criteria, is your website ready to be utilized for sales and marketing? For our own clients, we make this process simple and hassle free through our affordable website packages. These packages are very budget friendly to small businesses, and are built in WordPress – which as you will see later, is a key part of the traffic building strategy.
If you are unhappy with your website, or have a website that is too complicated to use and therefore sits out of date and worthless, check out our website packages.
In our next installment of Small Business SEO, we will discuss ways to make sure your website gets found in your local search market!