Shop Local in the Tri Cities
Click to visit the official Facebook page.

Some colleagues here in downtown Johnson City have built a great local network around the “Shop Local in J.C.” initiative. Their goal is to raise awareness among the residents of our region to do something really simple — “when possible, think local first”. While a simple concept – it can have astronomical impact on our local economy when everyone puts it into practice.

In an effort to take this campaign to the next level – the movement needs to move beyond just the social-sphere and onward to posters, stickers, window clings and other tangible marketing materials. Without a single source of funding behind this project, those involved have decided to put the message out there that they are raising funds to help defray the cost of the first run of these items. This is set up like a “kickstarter” type project with the hopes that through many small contributions, big things can come to fruition.  There is an initial estimate of roughly $3200 to get the first run of clings and posters printed and ready for distribution.

We encourage anyone that wants more information to visit the official Facebook page and get involved!  It’s a small price to pay to benefit not only your own business, but our regional economy as well.  Many thanks to Stable Convergence and other downtown businesses involved in this effort!

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