Phil Murphy wanted more control over his western North Carolina home watch service. The Asheville entrepreneur’s web design was already attractive and effective, but he was not in control of the content. In 2011, that is simply unacceptable.

We took an HTML site which requires coding know-how to change and converted it to WordPress, an insanely easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS). CMS’s make changing a website’s content as easy as using Microsoft Word.

The site looks and performs exactly as it did, but now Phil and his delightful staff (shout-out to Carrie!) have the ability to change text and images as their small business adapts to the market. There is no reason to pay an Asheville web design firm to edit text when it can be done in-house. Power to the people.

Enhanced FAQ

One major part of the new installation is the FAQ section. Phil wanted to test an FAQ and learn more about his clients. We installed a plugin which allows his team to not only add, delete, and rearrange the FAQs, but to monitor which FAQs get the most action through an analytics account. (We also trained Phil and Carrie on Google Analytics.) As they see which questions are the most popular, they can bubble those up to the top to make for a better user-experience. AND they will learn what concerns their clients most and therefore how to market to and serve them better.

That’s extremely valuable information which will guide the business and put it in a successful position for the future.

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