Marketing Managers – Show Marketing ROI and Be a Hero!

Show Marketing ROI and Be A HeroI read a study a few months ago about how hard it is to sell the CEO of a company on the business value of marketing.  As someone who has been in the marketing industry for over 15 years now, my initial reaction was “absolutely – I can understand that!”.  Those of us in the industry are always passionate about branding, awareness, market position, etc.  But at the end of the day – it’s always hard to put a hard value on those things.  When the CEO or CFO of a company is reviewing the budget for the upcoming year – they can easily look at production departments and compare what they spend to how much is produced.  This is ROI – and these three little letters will get the attention of a company leader faster than just about anything!  Marketing ROI is the missing piece of the puzzle to get your leaders excited about marketing and willing to divert more budget to the marketing department. (more…)